Sale & Clearance Special
Rayleigh Sound & Vision is offering Huge Discounts on a wide range of New and Ex-demonstration stock items from now until 16th January 2016, with many items at below cost. We are updating our demonstration stock to ensure we have the latest specification models. Please see the list below.
Everything else, with the exception of TV screens and a few specific items*, is offered at 12.5% discount for an order of £200 or more during our Sale period which will also run until 16th January 2016.
* Also excludes delivery and installation charges.
Please note our stores will be closed Friday 25th (Christmas Day), Saturday 26th, Sunday 27th, Monday 28th, and Thursday 31st (New Year’s Eve) and Friday 1st January. Other days as normal hours except Christmas Eve until 4pm only. We wish you a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and many thanks for your custom.
Special Clearance List

Please contact the store where items are listed for further information, or ask for items to be transferred to your nearest store.