Ortofon has always worked with sound reproduction. Founded in Copenhagen, the company initially made soundtracks for movies. In 1948, they developed their first moving coil cartridge. Since then, more than 300 different cartridges have been developed and manufactured, with the MC A95 Anniversary cartridge being their latest offering.

Moving Magnet Cartridges
In providing an economic alternative to the renowned Ortofon moving coil cartridges, the magnetic models have established a firm position for themselves among music lovers and audiophiles all over the world. Sophisticated styli, light and rigid cantilevers, and advanced magnetic circuitry have produced a level of quality which is always highly competitive within the magnetic category.

The current Ortofon 2M Series is designed for precise and accurate retrieval of the information in the record groove and Ortofon’s stated philosophy is to play the record sound as accurately as possible, without colouring the sound.

Moving Coil Cartridges

Nothing demonstrates Ortofon’s long-standing resilience more than its commitment to the refinement of analogue sound quality and its continued development of new cartridge models. Since 1948 Ortofon has introduced about 300 different MC models, with their latest being the Quintet Series.

Contrary to other types of phono catridges, the moving coil principle is not suited for mass production. Each of the four coils contains between 11 and 24 turns of wire, depending on model, and has to be wound by hand under a microscope. The high degree of craftsmanship involved is one of the “secrets” behind Ortofon’s reputation.

We offer Ortofon cartridges in all of our stores but the largest range is in our Rayleigh store.. Contact Us to find out more information or visit one of our stores in Rayleigh, Southend and Chelmsford.