The Auditorium 11.2 System
Denon AVC -X6800H 11.4
Sony XW-5000
Monitor Audio Bronze FX 6G
Artcoustic Spitfire SL 6-3 Cinema Loudspeaker
Sony UBP – X800M2B 4K Bluray Player
Acoustic Tile Audio Treatment

Our Customer came to us wanting to update and improve their their current A/V system. The primary focus for the client was to strip out the outdated system and retrofit a new 11.2 system whilst inkeeping to the strict budget.
Due to the auditorium being a a communal space, it was imperative that equipment couldn’t be tampered with or moved out of alignment. Our combination of strategic labeling as well as tethering of electronics ensured that the operation of the system remained un-interupted.
The Auditorium suffered from poor acoustic properties so we installed a selection of fabric absobtion pannels which reduced the echos within the space.
The Monitor Audio FX surround speakers were used for their low profile, tri-pole feature and exceptional sound quilty, meanwhile the Artcoustic Spitfire fronts provided power and clear vocal performance. The REL subwoofers provided balance for the system while providing precision and depth.